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MainWP Backup Solutions rant

MainWP is starting to get a littl on my nerves. Currently I struggle to maintain a solid and reliable backup solution. Non of the provided systems work flawlessly. Worst sos the built it simple system from MainWP. It could at least provide a Database Backup. And this used to work in the past. But not more.

The major problem I have with this simply is that they do not maintain it but also thy do not remove it. It is the same shit as with the Piwik extension. They refuse to even rename it. It has been a couple of years yet and still they call it Piwik. It is Matomo.

My rant via mail

I have major problems with the backup solutions provided. I tried each of them but in conclusion none of them is really satisfying. I hope I am missing out on something but this is my experience so far:

BACKUPWORDPRESS – no external save location option!! (they even advise updraftplus) – not useable at all.
Upraft Plus – CANNOT be executed globally for all sites in a sequence (only planned) but lets sync the one job it offers with one click to all sites.
BackWPup – CAN be executed globally for all sites in a sequence, supports multiple jobs, BUT jobs CANNOT BE SYNCED to child sites easily!

Actually I think BackWpUp is the best solution as it is easy and flexible. but it is a pain to use it with mainwp. When connecting a new site and you check to install the plugin and sync the settings, the jobs are NOT synced! If you add the plugin later on you have to sync each settings page (4-7) per job.
I have 4 backup jobs (DB, themes, upload, content) and each of them has approx 5 settings pages which means I have to resync 20 times to get my jobs onto the new child site. For my 100 Sites this roughly takes two hours (6 minutes per sync * 20 syncs needed = 120 MINUTES!).

Please can you help with this and at least make the BackWPup extension sync all settings pages for one backup job in a row (just like the bulk settings manager is able to)?

Thanks so much in advance 🙂

Comparison of MainWP Backup Solutions


  • Not perfectly reliable
  • Global settigns instead of „jobs“
  • Cannot execute backups across any sites!!! – pro
  • No directory for sites on remote server – pro
  • No change of file names – pro


  • Excutes jobs gloabbyly – nice
  • Saving each tabs individual makes it complicated for new sites
  • Had a loop error that filled my server with data :O


  • Expensive
  • Ridicilously expensive


  • No external backup WTF?
  • Older plugin
  • Looks simple and works


  • Costly


  • Solid soution
  • Got a LTD
  • They even created a MainWP extensiojn
  • All scheduled backups start at the same time which could crash your server.
  • Nice array of remote servers suported

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