You would think that disabling auto updates would disable the fucking auto updater? No it…

Plesk Migration: .htaccess Files won’t be synched
I hate when things first seem to work but in detail lack some very tiny bits that annoy you and take important time to find out and solve.
I had a great time migrating websites from one Server running Plesk 10 to another running Plesk 12. Basically everything seemed to work as expected and saved me a lot of time. Basically. Because all „.htaccess“ files were ignored. I just wondered why some sites did not work properly and others, running wordpress, required to resave the permalink structure.
Almost every site needs it’s .htaccess to be alive
.htaccess files are crucial for sites to work, especially if you are using mod rewrite to create beautiful readable urls. Most modern web systems heavily rely on .htaccess to function properly. It is absolutely weird that Parallels does not support this file type in Plesks migration tool. Anyways, there are a few systems that just have problems to handle files with a dot preceding the filename like some ftp clients for example.
So just in case you plan to migrate from Plesk to Plesk using the Plesk internal migration tool. Be aware that these files might be ignored. And be sure to repair them as soon as possible to avoid any downtime. This post is a reminder for me as well.
Update: It seems like some IMAP Folders won’t be synchronised as well as mentioned here.
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